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Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning MA

AIM: The aim of Lifelong Learning Master´s Degree Program is to raise the level of professional qualifications of the individuals such as officers inside or outside higher education institutions , experts, academics and department managers working in a private or public unit on the higher education sector, and to train individuals who know the principles and techniques of modern education and administration science, who are equipped with skills to manage effectively all kinds of human and material resources in competitive environments on the point of giving knowledge, skills and competence in the field of higher education.


OBJECTIVES: To enable individuals;
1. to have Lifelong Learning Master´s Degree Programme sufficient information on issues related to higher education, skills and competence,
2. to learn Lifelong Learning basic concepts and new approaches in the field of knowledge, skills and competence
3. to be eager to work in the field of Lifelong Learning,
4. to understand the role and significance of lifelong education Turkish Education System ,
5. to enhance their ability to solve social problems,
6. to develop the skills to manage their emotions,
7. to have critical thinking competence,
8. to make teamwork,
9. to produce project,
10. to express himself verbally and in writing,
11. to obtain information, knowledge producing and using information,
12. creativity and innovation with features,
13. professionalism and ethical responsibility,
14. Where the values of society can be solved with respect and human resources necessary for the benefit of society, the media, and aims to provide teaching-learning processes.


GENERAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Student admission criteria set by the board of higher education students and is carried out with the requirement to be a graduate for lifelong learning programe.


EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Students graduating from master´s degree in the fields of lifelong learning, if they provide the conditions are able to continue their education at the doctoral level.


GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: It is necessary to take at least 90 ECTS-courses and to complete them successfully as well as doing a thesis work and successful completion of this thesis by defending it to the jury in order to graduate from lifelong learning program.


ASSSESSMENT AND EVALUATION: The rules of the exam for each course are given part of the content of the course.


HEAD OF BRANCH: Assist. Prof. Dr. Zeynep DEMİRTAŞ

Comminication: http://egitim.sakarya.edu.tr/tr/16742/iletisim


Program Learning Outcomes